Big Horn No Tilt U Turn
Tree: Wood fiberglass covered tree by Steele Saddle Tree Co.
Swell: 13 1/2"
Seat: 14", 15", 16"
Gullet width: 7"
Bars: Full Quarter Horse bars
Weight: Approximately 28 lbs.
Horn: Height 4", Diameter 3". Tilt barrel style-easy grip.
Cantle Height: 5", Cheyenne Roll, Tooled and hand stitched.
Skirt Length: 24"
Skirt Width: 11 1/2"
Stirrup Leathers: 2 1/2"leather covered Blevins buckles.
Stirrups: Hand-laced, leather-covered contest stirrups.
Rigging: In skirt stainless-steel J rigging.
Color: Rich Chestnut.
Trim: Features floral and basket tooling with conchos and billet access plates.
Made in the USA