Big Horn 16" synthetic Saddle with quarter horse bars in Brown. Flexible Tree with Quarter Horse Bars, 5" Cantle, & Dual Denstiy Foam Seat Padding.
No. A00288 - 16" seat brown
N0. A00297 - 15" seat brown
No. A00298 - 17" seat brown
Tree: Steele Saddle Tree Co. flexible saddle tree, quarter horse bars.
Cantle: 4" with 1 1/2" Cheyenne roll.
Seat: 16" grainout with Dual Density Memory Foam Seat Padding.
Horn: 2 3/4" x 2 1/2"
Gullet Width: 6 1/4".
Gullet Height: 7 1/4".
Rigging: 7/8 double conventional, heavy stainless steel dees.
Skirts: 26" x 2 1/2".
Fenders: (15" 16" = 18" x 8") (17" = 20" x 9").
Stirrups: Ralide® with a laced leather footpad.
Finish: Brown.
Trim: Smooth leather front and jockeys, Synthetic nylon skirts, fenders and housings, breast collar dees, conchos with clipping dees for attaching saddle strings.
Weight: 24 lbs.
Matching Accessories
Headstall No. A06501
Breast Collar No. A06503 (1")
Breast Collar No. A06509 (2")